Then we stay in Hong Kong until Sunday when we travel onto Guangzhou. On Monday, June 22nd we'll meet Jia in the afternoon! The next week will be filled with paperwork, paperwork and paperwork! Oh, throw in a medical exam, a bit of sightseeing and a LOT of shopping! On July 1st we'll take an Oath at the American Consulate office and pick up Jia's Visa. Then July 2nd is back to Hong Kong and all day July 3rd is travelling home! We leave HK at a bit after 8 AM and arrive in KC at 5:10 PM. Don't forget to figure in the 13 hours time difference though!
Can someone please make sure there's fresh milk in the 'fridge and oreo's a plenty at my house on Friday July 3rd. I have had oreo's and milk everynight before bed since... well, like high school. Can't sleep without them. I know that's the first thing I'm going to want, even more so than my bed!
The boys are staying at my mom and dad's while we're gone. They will be missed terribly.
It has been so crazy here though, I'm really looking forward to the long flight!
Before I go, I wanted to share about the 'surprise' party that Jadeth threw for us Sunday night. Actually, let me back up... Sunday was one of the best days ever for Jack and I. Church was just awesome and at the end, Pastor Randy called Jack and I up front and many come up and prayed for us. It was so wonderful. Then at 2PM was Run To The Cross! From our church to the large Cross East of Trenton is exactly 3 miles. Some ran, some walked and some were crawling, but soooooo many participated and made it to the Cross. You have to see the humongous hill that we had to go up to get to the Cross to really appreciate the run. The one who finished first made it in 22 minutes!
Then at 5PM we had church services at the Cross! It was so great! There were so many people and so many that sang, just a fabulous, fabulous time!
At 7PM was our 'surprise' party. I say 'surprise' because Jadeth spilled the beans, but we pretended to be surprised! Anyway, many of our family and friends came to wish us safe travels. We roasted hot dogs at our firepit and had homemade ice-cream! It was so wonderful and we were so proud of Jadeth to put it together and even purchase all the food on his own! Thanks Jadeth.... we love you! Still waiting to hear the toast!
Well, before I sign off.... here's a little slice of Heaven for you!
Jiana Ellan QiuWen Stotts!

I'm so excited for you!!! Post often! With pictures!
I have not been on much since we have moved and unpacking boxes etc....I decided to check this a.m. and I saw your great news-- that you are on your way! I am praying for the details of your trip as the Lord lays it upon my heart. I'm off to the KC airport this morning to pick up a friend. I will be praying over the airport and your flights--for it all to go smooth and for protection. Blessings to you and your sweet family and for Jia...
I'm sure you are wiped out! Hope the travel was bearable. I'm sure it will be like child birth, after you get Jia in your arms you will forget the 2 days of travel! Can't wait for your updates. God is Good!
goodluck jack and joy!!
GOD bless,
How exciting!!! We haven't been home from Haiti long and I read your blog and realized you were on your way to China before I was on my way back to America! Can't wait to meet miss Jia! :) Congratulations! God is Good.
Can't wait for you guys to get home. We enjoy lookin at all of the pictures. Love you and hope you have a safe return. Hope she will be ok with car seats.
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