We ended up at Jenny's place and spent quite a lot of time there. Jenny and her husband are Christians and had many Christian gifts to look over. Jenny is also a Maoming girl! So she gave Jia a free fan and an American flag and an olympic flag. She also gave me a free bracelet, the beads on it mean 'happy family'! She was so kind, we helped her with some English words on an email she had and she was very grateful! We'll probably stop back in there a time or 2 before leaving!
At lunch today, Jack and I were both fortunate enough to receive a few smiles from Jia! They were precious! She's changing everyday and is just truly amazing. Today she fed herself for the first time. One thing most people comment is that Jack is left handed. Well, when Jia was feeding herself, she put her phone ( the one she always has with her! ) in her right hand and put the spoon in her left to eat. She continued to use that hand... so I think our girl may be a lefty! It must be pretty uncommon here so I think that's pretty neat!
After meeting our group at 2, we went to Liurong Temple, Six Banyan Pagoda. It is a world famous ancient temple. This temple is over 600 years old. The people burn incense to Buddha and have their babies blessed by the priests. Jack and I know Who got us to where we are and we politely refused to participate. I must say I was worried about offending Molly, our guide, but she really didn't seem to mind. Jack went in one building but Jia and I stood outside. We did go in the temple area and it was very beautiful. That's where the picture is of her sitting on the rock. But all I could think about was not so much 'offending' our God, but breaking His heart after He's answered so many prayers on our behalf. It would've been so easy to just participate and go along, but neither of us could do it. We just told Molly we were Christians and believed in the one God. She understood.
After the visit at the temple, we went to the Guangdong Folk Arts Museum. It is a very ornately carved hall displaying many different works of art from Guangdong. It was very interesting and an important part if Jia's history.
After the museum, Molly took us to a shopping mall to buy good quality items for keepsakes. I can't tell you what I bought to give Jia in the future, because then she would know! But I can tell you we were able to purchase a few high quality gifts that will be able to be passed down generation to generation and are all representative of Guangdong. They will be precious keepsakes!
We wrapped up our evening by having dinner at Molly's home. Her husband is an electronic engineer and he cooked for us! He does not speak English, but understands it pretty well. He fixed a traditional Chinese dinner and her mom fixed us porridge like she made in the country. It was a very nice evening and we are so honored that Molly opened her home to us.
That brings us to now... I'm the only one still up.... blogging! Jia passed out as soon as we got home. Jack walked to the 7-11 and bought us snickers and now he's out. So now it's my turn!
Oh, I wanted to add... the picture of Jia where I'm beside her is in the shopping center adn that's about all the further I'm allowed from her. She is doing better with Jack everyday and we know soon he'll be able to help care for her. Until then, he's doing a wonderful job taking care of me, getting me this, or that, fixing my plate, etc since I always have the baby on my lap!
Goodnight Friends!

It is so fun to read about what you are doing and seeing, I know that there are many highs and lows each day as you are there. I am glad that your guide understood at the temple, our guide was very understanding as well.
Fyi, On the street between the Cow and Bridge restaurant and Jennifer's Place there is a grocery store - we were able to get OREO's there when we were in GZ.
Samantha in MN
Hello again Stotts family,
Just want to let you know I can't wait to get up of a morning and read what Jia has done for the day :) Day by day that little face is showing signs of love,happiness and contentment. I was glad to see you are getting her some squeaky shoes! Heather,(my "Made in Japan" girl, we call her) was born in Okinawa, Japan while Mike was in the Navy and guess what? we had to have some squeaky shoes before we left there!!! It's a good way to keep track of them because they make alot of noise. Too bad they don't come in teenager size ;)LOL
Have a nice day all,
Stay safe and give Jia my love.
Debbie Harrington
I'm loving the story of Jia! I was talking to Jadeth earlier and I think he's a little excited for Jia to be home too! He's a great kid (young man now....) and will make an incredible big brother to Jia. You are so blessed with all of your children.... all four of them. And, I must say, it brought a tear to my eye and made me proud to say I know you when I read your reasonings for not entering the temple. God is Good. Jia is beautiful. :)
Hi,Jack & Joy.
I have a great time reading each morning about your day and
the progress with Jia as she seems
so ready to learn something new.
Enjoy the culture & sceenery,
and don't spoil her too much.
Love, Hilda
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