We had to be up and at it very early today and meet our guide and the other family at their hotel by 9AM. We made it to breakfast and Jia had a scrambled egg and a banana. She is such a good eater. The orphanage said she had 4 bottles a day, but I didn't bring one and she doesn't seem to know how to suck on her sippy cup either. We have to take the lid off and she drinks out of it like a big girl!
Today we went back to the Providential Office where we got Jia yesterday. We were interviewed by the registar and notary and they said she is officially ours! We took a passport photo today as well.
After that visit, while we were still in Guangzhou, we visited Carrefour. The grocery store. Our guide Molly said that 35 million people live in Guangzhou and I think that at least 1/2 of them were in the grocery store today!
We came back to the hotel this afternoon to rest, but Jia didn't ever really go to sleep. I was checking my Facebook, which by the way is very lonely when its 3 AM there, and she was sitting on my lap and had her elbows up on the desk just looking at her pictures. She started talking, which was a first! She has such a sweet little voice! I can't wait to hear more!
Also, outside our hotel, there is a school. There are 2 floors of many children and we can hear them at times in our room. I pushed the ottoman up to the window and opened the curtains. Jia just stood there forever watching and listening the kids. She really likes other kids and babies. The other family that is here with us has a 5 year old son and she just watches him all the time!
Tonight we went back to Lucy's for supper. It was fairly decent outside so we sat out on the patio so Jia could walk around. Tonight she ate her entire bowl of Chicken Congee and drank her whole cup of juice. She also had a bit of grilled cheese and a couple of french fries.
She is just doing amazingly well! I'm just so taken aback at well she's doing with us both. She's still a little leary of Jack, well not just him... all men. The dad of the other family was sitting by me this morning and he'd talk to her and she was fine, but he reached out to touch her hand and she wailed! Then I was trying to climb out of the van holding her and the driver took her from me before I even realized what was going on...(let me say here that it would've been okay with me, if she would have let him. He has been awesome and drives very well! He's very kind and we trust him, but I knew she wouldn't like it.) She bawled and screamed and he immediately handed her back to me. She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck and didn't let go for quite a while! Then our notary was a man and he was talking very cheerfully to her in Chinese, probably trying to coax a smile out of her and she let loose on him!
So it's not just Jack, it's men. But she did sit in her chair like a big girl and Jack fed her and took care of her entire meal. She was totally cool with that. She doesn't like for him to push her stroller at all... she looks back to make sure it's me. But her personality is emerging and I feel we'll see a lot more in the next few days.
Again... I'm just truly amazed at how well she's handling all this. I know it's all the prayers that have paved the way working. So thank you for all those and keep 'em coming.
We're so very tired. Tomorrow is her medical exam and taking her photo for her visa and then we have something else at 3ish. But I don't remember....it's starting to blur. But we're staying so busy and tired that it will go by fast. We haven't even had time to go visit the shops!
I hope you all enjoy the photo's! Don't forget to leave comments... they are very encouraging. Just to know people are following along and care!
Thanks Friends!

Hello Joy, Jack and "JIA",
I have been following your story since my daughter Heather (Harrington) Baker told me how to get on your site. I am so happy for your family!!! Jia is a doll and I know you are so excited to finally have your hands on her and to be able to call her your own. I remember seeing you all in the Pizza Hut in Trenton not so long ago and you told my mom (Ethel) that you were finally going to get her. She came to the car all excited for you and told me about your wonderful news! Don't you know your boys are going to be very protective of her? She won't want for anything now. She probably won't have to talk OR walk because they will do it all for her ;) I know she will be loved to the fullest.
Just wanted to let you know we are thinking about you and wish for you the very best.
Stay safe on the rest of your journey and bring Jia home so we can meet her too.
Love and Prayers,
Debbie Harrington
Joy & Jack-
She is absolutely beautiful, I am so happy that everything is going very well for all of you. I am sure she is only going to continue to blossom in your loving care!! You are all in my prayers, hope everything continues to go well and the time flies by until you are back home with the boys.
Hey Hi Jack & Joy,she is a cutie.
I can imagine how tired you both are,but time will fly soon.I've been following your daily's. The last pic's you put on are so cute. May God Bless all! The date is Tues,12:34p.m. and heat index is
105o now.Love to All. Hilda
Awww...she's so precious. I laughed at the thought of her not allowing anybody to push the stroller but you. That sound like all three of our kiddos adoptions. Only wanted mommy (or sissy)...but not daddy. She's beautiful!!
I have her picyure on my refrig already Jack she sure is keeping an eye on you she is coming around what a lucky little girl she is to have so much Love.miss you all .
Joy MaryLou was going to talk to you the other night on messanger but you went of to soon she works the hours you are awake .Love Mom Bev.&Grandma Bev.Hugs
She is adorable. No doubt about it. I think i was the same way with men when i was little...lol...Well goodluck with everything....you will be home befor you know it!!
The pic of Jia looking out the window is absolutely precious! Thanks for the updates! Thinking of you lots! Lesley
Hi Jack and Joy! I'm so thrilled to read all is going so well! I have tears in my eyes as I view your beautiful pics! Jia is absolutely precious! Praying for your safe travel home...Love, Michelle Sowder
I am reading everyday and sharing happy tears and prayers on your behalf. I love reading about your journey and can't wait to meet her in person! Beth Thompson
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