Today I was accused of being a bad blogger. I know! I know! It's been a while! We have been sooooo busy and I've had so many pictures to share... BUT! Last Friday, Jack and I celebrated our 16th anniversary. We were fixin' to head out to dinner and a movie and I wanted Jadeth to take our picture to mark the occasion. I couldn't find my camera and 'someone' (I won't mention names, but it starts with a J) took it with them to the skatepark (whups, did that just give it away?). Anyway, all my pictures got deleted and replaced by skateboarding videos!
I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mad! I had pictures of Easter, Prom, Jia's carepackage we sent, and others I can't even remember.
Anyway - I'll try and get you all caught up! We are really getting busy now and hitting summer full swing! The biggest event is Jadeth graduating May 17th! We're having a reception afterwards, so lots of planning and baking! We've been getting annoucements sent out and I"m planning to make his cake myself... why not add ot my stress level?!
Jacen and Jory have started ball practice, Jacen on Tuesday's and Friday's and Jory on Monday's. Actually tonight, Jory had practice at 6, Jadeth had his FCCLA award banquet at 6 and he had tennis at 4. At 5 minutes til 6:00... Jack was still helping his friend Brad work on his mom's car and didn't realize the time. Jory had to be at practice, Jadeth was still on the tennis court, calling me to bring his dress clothes to school. Whew! It all worked out though. Just a little excitement.
Anyway, back to our busy life... Jack is having the race car lettered and then he'll be ready to start racing on Saturday nights.
This Friday Jacen has his band concert...Hmm typing that out makes me wonder about ball practice!
And I've began washing some clothes for Jia and getting things ready for her! Here's the latest on the adoption... We sent off for our Visa's last week. We had to use a courier service because Visa applications can't be simply mailed in. I received an email saying it was delivered to the Consulate on Thursday. Today I read where Visa's submitted after May 4th would take a few extra days for processing, apparently due to the swine flu! We just barely missed that! Thank you Lord! If God be for me, who can be against me? We're also waiting on our TA (Travel Approval) from the CCAA. Our agency told us to expect it 2-4 weeks from LOA, which we rec'd on 4/15/09. So... as soon as they give us the green light, we can go! Right now we are praying the swine flu fizzles out so the CCAA doesn't delay issuing our travel approval.
I promise to spend the next few days getting you caught up and adding what few pictures I do have for ya'll!
I live among rock stars!
5 years ago
1 comment:
Hi Joy--
I've been thinking about you--I'm glad you posted. Congratulations on 16 years with your hubby. You have a lot wonder you have been away. Reading your post made my head spin. Three boys and a lot of activity. I'm with you!
We are moving in three's crazy here. I will blog soon about our trip to see the Cranio-Facial team at St. Louis Children's Hosp. I'm still trying to make sense of it. I have a heavy heart for what Lucey will need to go through. There is so much to pray about. Ron and I are praying for wisdom that we make the right decision.
Take care and don't forget to sleep.
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