Yesterday was a really rough day. I'm just so tired of waiting. I come home from work frustrated with co-workers, in tears and ready to choke-hold someone.
Also, last night was my first time to join the Wonder Women Bible Study group at our new church. I can't tell you how close I was to backing out. I mean down to the wire.... 2 minutes before I was to leave, I was still undecided. I had already made arrangements to pick up my friend Cindy, and I didn't want to leave her in the lurch, so I went.
I couldn't stop the tears all the way to her house and for a bit afterwards. By the time we got the to church I was under control. I was able to stop feeling sorry for myself and enjoy the evening. And enjoy it I did! I'm really looking forward to many more of these nights and getting to know these wonderful women bettter.
Anyway, it's really not like me to be so entirely down. I mean, I was to the point where I just didn't know if could do it anymore.
Then guess what..... WE GOT OUR LOA TODAY BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am on cloud 9!!!!!! Just when I couldn't take it anymore, just in the knick of time, not too late, not too soon, in God's time.... it came! And actually it came pretty fast! I'm just so darn excited!
We just did get the okay to send Jia a care package, so I've spent the afternoon getting it ready! She'll get our goodies, then her Mama and Baba won't be far behind!
I must go tell all my friends and family the wonderful news! Now come on TA!!!!!!!!
I live among rock stars!
5 years ago
Oh Joy---I am beyond thrilled for you! It's been crazy-busy around here especially with Ron gone but something tugged me to your blog. I can SOOOOO relate to how you are feeling. I too joined a Bible study while we were waiting. I prayed, I found one on the internet, I drove 35 min. to a church I had never been to....walked in by myself and voila....the sweetest, most wonderful Jesus loving women I have ever met. They prayed with me, they listened and we laughed together. They prayed for our adoption journey (and they didn't even know me.) Tues. was our last night and I cried having to say good-bye. The Lord put these women in my life for a very specific purpose. God's timing is perfect. This journey is long. Jia will be home and you will be amazed.....We have been blessed beyond measure and you will be too. I'm so happy for you!!!
Have a blessed day!
(Come on TA!!!)
Yeah--I just saw your post!! Not much longer now!!
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