Okay, we're sitting in our new Sunday School class last week and we're disussing the 'Covenant Couples' group. Remember we're new at church, but I think that the couples get together monthly and do something fun. They have babysitting at the church and do something different each time.
The last time they all went out for Mexican food and bowling. Jack and I had just started at that time and weren't comfortable leaving Jory with sitters just yet. But we are soooo excited for the next one!
Anyway... we're throwing out ideas of what we might like to do in the future and someone mentions karaoke. It brought back memories and I thought it would be fun to share!
Years ago.... I mean years.... we had 11 other couples that we were really close to and hung out with all the time. So we decided to start a 'Party of the Month' club! Each month one couple would host and plan an evening for all of us. We went bowling, had a newlywed game after one couple married (I was the mastermind behind that one and it was the most fun ever!), we had a dart tournament, we barbequed, we had a scavenger hunt and the one I want to share about was a 'Fear Factor' party!
Remember I said it's been 'years' ago, so I can't recall all of the details. We worked as couples and it come down to where each of us had to do a 'stunt'. One of us was going to have to get locked in a trunk with pet mice crawling on us and one of us was going to have to sing karaoke. I remember we argued over who was getting locked in the trunk! No karaoke for us thank you very much!
THANKFULLY!!! enough of the other couples at church spoke out against karaoke that we're not doing it! Jack and I were laughing after church saying we were definately going to skip that night if they did karaoke!
BTW... I had to do the karaoke that night at the party... It was very sad!
I live among rock stars!
5 years ago
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