Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD! Psalm 27:14
I waited patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me,
And heard my cry. Psalm 40:1
The LORD is good to those who wait for Him,
To the soul who seeks Him. Lamentations 3:25
Yesterday started out as such a low day. LOA's usually come in on Monday's and many people were announcing their good news. There are some days I feel like I'll wait forever. Each step has always taken longer than I originally thought it should.
In the beginning, we were told 8 - 10 months. I thought I'd be home with my daughter by Christmas 2007!!! Boy was I wrong! So anyway... you get the picture! Some days are so hard. To barrow the line from Facing the Giants... "I keep asking myself how I can miss someone so much that I've never even met."
Then at lunch time my friend Sherri showed up at work and we got to have lunch together at Huckleberry's! She has been in Texas taking care of her parents since the first of December, and her dad recently passed away. It was so good to see her and spend time with her. She brought gifts for Jia, but unfortunately I left them at work and don't have pictures to post.
When I got home, I had this lovely little box from my new friend Aimee! Aimee and her husband are adopting a little girl from the same orphanage as Jia! So right now, Jia and Caiya are sista's! Aimee had made matching dresses for the girls and also included some adorable barrettes and a quilt square for Jia's 100 Good Wishes Quilt. Although Caiya will live in SC, she has family in S MO, so the next time they're close we are totally getting together! It has been glorious getting to know Aimee and I look forward to sharing many stories about our daughters in the future!
Aimee- your gift really cheered me up and thank you so much! I can't wait to bless you in return!
Here is the dress that Aimee made for Jia. Isn't it just beautiful?! I love the toile fabric and simply can't wait to see Jia in this!

Another bow! I just can't wait! I am praying for an opportunity to get a photo of Jia and Caiya in their matching dresses! Oh how I wish it were in China, as Aimee and her husband already have their LOA and tenative travel dates for May. (sigh)

1 comment:
Oh sweet Joy.. I am so glad you liked everything.. God is funny, isn't he.. how he nudges everyone (especially me) just when others need to be lifted up. I can certainly procrastinate, but God gave me a big nudge to get this package out to you.. Blessings!
Oh- and PS- We live in Charlotte, North Carolina, not SC!
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