Oh my goodness gracious!!!! What a day we've had already! First of all... Jia pooped in the potty!!!! Yippee! Doesn't take much to get my day off right, huh? She's been peeing in the potty for a while, albeit not always consistantly, but she does tell me some when she needs to go. Actually, this morning she woke up dry and one of the first things out of her mouth were potty. I thought we were a long way off from ever pooping in the potty since she usually hides for that. But this morning, I caught her hiding around the kitchen cabinet and said very enthusiastically that we should poopy in the potty! And she did! She was soooo proud of herself and got 2, count 'em 2, stickers! It helped that Jacen and Jory both followed up with high 5's and good jobs as well! Yeah Jia!!!!
Now, our 2nd First for the day... NO TEARS at daycare! Not a one! In fact, she smiled and blew me kisses! It helped that Dora was on... but no hand off to Mrs. Tona or anything. I just put her down while I visited a minute with Tona and told her good bye. Tona and I just stood there with our mouths agape! What a big girl she is!
Sorry no new pictures to share... but this was big news that I couldn't wait to post! I can't wait to see what other "Firsts" God has in store for us today!
I live among rock stars!
5 years ago
1 comment:
Poopin in the potty on my birthday!! Atta' girl! lol :)
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