That's what it's really all about anyway, right? The pictures?! LOL! Well, here's some cute ones!
Here's Jia watching Jory through the cracks on the deck! Soon she'll venture further away from Mama and join him!

One day while Jia was playing in the bath tub, I sat next to her and painted my toenails. She kept pointing at them and smiling, so we painted hers! She's admiring them!

To steal a comment from Aunt Ake... "Pretty toes with Missouri dirt between them!"

One of Jia's goofy faces! I wish the sun wasn't shining in her face. You just can't believe the difference in this girl! She makes the craziest faces and just cracks me up!

My beautiful daughter.... I am blessed beyond measure.
All of the moments & things that our little ones do to put a smile on our faces are truely a reminder that God knows what joy, peace, happiness & contentment they bring to us. I have always said, "Being a parent is the hardest job in the world, but the most rewarding". Now that you have Jia with you here at home your lives will continue to be more and more blessed. She is absolutely adorable! Can't wait to meet her.
Joy, Those little funny faces tell me that it's her way of showing her love, happiness and contentment toward her new family. Her precious little lips remind me of a rosebud. She's absolutely perfect!!!!! :)
Isn't she just beautiful?! :) And how fun, finally having little toenails to paint. You need to find the music for your player called "When God Made You" by Natalie Grant. I'm sitting here reading another friend's adoption blog and that song just says it all. Congratulations again on your new daughter, she was made just for you.
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