We always get together with just my parents and my brother the weekend before Christmas. Christmas gets so busy and crazy, we just like to get together with just us
and enjoy a relaxing and messy evening!
My brother bought this huge blow up snowman on Ebay. It was too cold and windy to put it outside, so we set it up in the spare bedroom! Jory loved to watch it 'melt'!

I got all sorts of kitchen things I wanted, new casserole dishes (which I love), an electric teapot, a thing to make bloomin' onions and a slicer/grater thing!

Jack can never have too many tools! Unfortunately, Jacen tends to wonder off with them, so each Christmas, he really needs the tools. Yes, we've gotten Jacen his own tools and tool box before, but for some reason - Dad's are better!

This is my Dad... He got a new fishing boat this fall, so he got all sorts of fishing stuff and things to cook fish. He also shoots trap so lots of stuff for that as well.

Here's my mom. I love this picture. This gift is bathtowels! Such excitement! We also got her a swiffer and a digital photo frame, but the bath towels got the biggest grin!

Here's my brother, Rob.
He is still a bachelor and spoils my boys rotten.

Jory being a cool dude with his new skateboard!

He's so excited over his new hooded sweatshirt!
I love this smile!

Uncle Rob got Jacen a unicycle! Jacen is so into skateboarding, he needed a new challenge! I'll let you know when he's taking the unicycle down the 1/2 pipe!
Jacen loved this!

Jacen modeling his new Tony Hawk coat and gloves! Another priceless smile!

Jadeth always wants the new FIFA soccer game!

Uncle Rob got Jadeth a new GPS for his car.
I mention how much my brother spoils my kids!
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