Saturday, November 8, 2008

Apples and Birthdays!

My Brother just turned 40! Happy Birthday Uncle Hobbie!

Ever since Jory was little, he's called my brother (Rob) Uncle Hobbie! Uncle Hobbie also drives a Hobbie Truck (that's semi for those of you who don't speak Hobbie)! Jory spent a lot of time at my mom and dad's before he started preschool. When Rob had his Kidney transplant, the two became quite close. Rob never comes around without a toy in his toolbox! He and Jory always have to go out to his truck and check the toolbox! One time we stopped by unexpectedly and you should've heard the conversation as Rob tried to explain to Jory that there was no toy in the toolbox this time! He ended up giving him money! Can you say spoiled!
I couldn't ask for a better brother.

Rob's apple tree was extremely plentiful this year also! He gave apples away to everyone! My mom picked up many bags of apples and one day we canned apple pie filling from Grandma Mona's recipe. We slice apples thin, baked and make chips from them, we made cinnamon apples, apple cake, numerous apple pies and I don't remember what else! They were such good apples too! I can't wait until next year! Send me all your apple recipes!

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