Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Some Catch Up!

I told you things were going to get busy around here! Here's a bit of what we've been up to!
Last Saturday we helped Little Miss Avery celebrate her 1st birthday! She was entirely adorable and really enjoyed her cake!!!
Jadeth had an FCCLA awards banquet where he was recognized as the chapter president and also FCCLA Member of the Year! Woo Hoo!

This is Jadeth and his lovely friend, Michelle!

This is National Library Week at Jory's school and the librarian asked the local businesses if they would send someone to read to each class in the Elementary.
I was fortunate enough to read to Jory's class! He didn't know I was coming so it was fun to see his face!

Here's Jory's classmates...

And here's a clip of Jacen's band class playing the Fight Song for our school!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hi Joy,
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words!! As you know at times the wait is almost unbearable. But I do know that it is ALL in God's time!!!! BTW...you have a beautiful family!!!