Okay - a lot has been happening and I'm going to need to go back and fill in the blanks at some point, but here's what's happening today! I've been trying to get a SW from CC to call me for a couple of weeks now. She wouldn't answer her phone or return my messages. Last week alone I left 4 messages in 3 days! I want to be firm, although it's against my nature, but at the same time, I need this lady to approve us to adopt. So I can't make her mad! It's been tough.
Also last week, I found out we may need to re-file with the CIS for an I800A... this is something new and going from theory to implementing it has been a nightmare. It's taking families 6 months or more to get this. I did NOT want to wait for this! But since our homestudy is being updated to approve us for SN's our agency was afraid we may have to re-file with the CIS. Well, let me ask you... have you ever tried to get a hold of a real live talking person within the Department of Homeland Security? I did actually get ahold of one last week, but she knew absolutly NOTHING. She told me I would have to schedule an appointment at CIS and just ask that question in person. Ugh. That would mean more time off work, travel 2 hours and then I may or may not get an answer to our question.
So, praise God for the amazing people he's put in our lives! I contacted our old SW and she had just had a similar situation. She was also able to give me an email address for the lady that handles IA cases at the KC office! WOW! I emailed this lady on Friday and asked my question, not sure wether or not to expect an answer.
Last week, was the first time in a long time I broke down and cried. It seems everything is just taking soooo long and I can't get the answers I need, it's so frustrating.
This morning, I spent some time on my knees before coming to work. Once again, I knew I couldn't work this out. Once again, I knew my Heavenly Father was just waiting patiently for me to give back to Him what I had taken out of His hands. I was trying to take back control and ran into a brick wall at every turn. Only He can do the impossible, or rather me... only through Him. When I checked my email this AM I not only had a response from the lady at CIS, but a very postive one at that! We won't have to mess with this I800A mess, we just simply need to send our homestudy update to her and she will do what's necessary to let CCAA know we're approved to adopt SN's. Then when I get to work, the social worker I"ve been trying to reach called me! She called me before I could call her again this morning! She had postive news as well! I was sitting at me desk and hollored Hallelejah! God is so good and all along He's had this adoption planned out. His timing is perfect. He does care. Why do I keep forgetting that?
How blessed I am to be a child of the King!
Eternally and Unconditionally His... JMS
I live among rock stars!
5 years ago
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