Our best friends, Dan and Sherri Germann, joined us for Thanksgiving dinner! Sherri's family is in Texas and Dan's is all over, so we had dinner together. It was so much fun! Dan and Sherri are the kind of friends you don't have to entertain... we can lay around on the couch, not talk, take naps... whatever! They are also the same wonderful friends who introduced us to adoption. I almost said they're the ones who convinced us to adopt, but I truly believe God did that! Only He could change our hearts to welcome one more. And boy are we ever glad He did! But Dan and Sherri were prayer warriors I tell you! The interceded on our behalf for many months! When they begin to doubt their reason for being in Trenton, I remind them of Jia!
Anyway, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We went around the table and shared the many things we have to be thankful for this year and it was so nice to hear!
Here's all of us around the table, well the men hadn't sit down yet! I felt so entirely blessed to have a full table of family and friends!
This is me and Sherri!
Dan and Melaine carving the turkey!
Jack and Dan... Dan will come by and say "I needed some Jack time."
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