So I was so excited when she said she was coming up! Also, a bit nervous as to how the kids would get along. They hardly knew eachother. Well, my worrying was in vain! It was like we'd all never been apart!
Jeff and John came up Friday night and Jory really hit it off with Jeff. They played I Spy together and Jeff was so good and patient with Jory. You can tell by the way Jory's standing he was trying to lean in closer to Jeff! He adored him!
Jeff and John came up Friday night and Jory really hit it off with Jeff. They played I Spy together and Jeff was so good and patient with Jory. You can tell by the way Jory's standing he was trying to lean in closer to Jeff! He adored him!
Jacen and Emily are only 2 weeks apart in age! They were so funny together. The discovered they had much in common, including F's in Social Studies! Amy and I are so proud! Really, they were so cute together!
This is Lauren. Isn't she gorgeous? When Lauren was a baby, I knew if I ever had a little girl I wanted the dark hair and eyes! No blue eyed blond for me! My parents had kittens that were 5 weeks old and they were the hit of the day! We hadn't seen them yet either and each family became attached to one! Lauren fell in love with this one! They decided to take her home and she is now Lucy, or Lola or something like that! This is the day we got Ming also!

Lauren carried the cat around in her front pocket all day. I think even if Amy hadn't agreed to taking the cat, they would've found her in Lauren's pocket about 1/2 way home!

This is John, his wife Paula and their new daughter Avery. Paula and Avery both adored this cat, but John gave a firm 'no'. He's allergic! They had been home a couple of week before he called and asked if he could come up and get the cat! It seems Avery was enjoying Aunt Amy's cat so much he could no longer refuse! We see who runs that house!

This is my mom and Avery. Avery is such a doll! It was fun to play with a little one again!

This is Amy and I! We had so much fun growing up together and at times were such little brats! We once hit our other little cousin over the head with a garden hoe and didn't even feel sorry for it! Yes, it was an accident. The time we shoved her down the stairs wasn't though. She always wanted to play with us. How terrible we were!
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