Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve has been at my Grandma Mona's for as long as I can remember!
I did take my camera... but was so busy passing out gifts and opening toys that I didn't get pictures.

We ALWAYS read the Christmas story at Grandma's and this year we also began a new tradition...
We lit candles for the men and women serving our country that are not able to be home with their families, so that you and I can be free and enjoy Christmas.
We also lit a candle for the families who have lost loved ones while serving and will spend Christmas without them.
I loved the moments spent reflecting on how blessed we are and praying for others that are fighting for our freedom.
No.... freedom is not free, indeed.

1 comment:

Renea Lynch said...

Cute! :) I bet your 'candle ceremony was neat'. Wish we could have spent more time together over break. We'll catch up soon! And, is that bow in your hair or on grandma's wall?! LOL Glad you had a great CHRISTmas! ♥