Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Program

Our Christmas program at Church was the 19th.
Uhhmmm... The Sunday after Thanksgiving, our Pastor approached my friend Renea and I and told us we were in charge of it!
Little did he know that we had already planned on it!

The little ones sang
"Jesus Loves Me"
and did the actions to it!
(they also all tried to grab the microphone, and thus... steal the show!)

The Children and Youth worked together to present
The Nativity.
The old youth read the Christmas scriptures from Matthew and Luke.

Here is Jacen reading some of his lines...

Enter Mary and Joseph and Baby Carson, umm... I mean Baby Jesus!
Sam was gracious enough to let us use baby Carson in our Nativity. 
If this picture was of a wider view, you'd see the new momma standing by nervously!

Enter the Wise Men from the East....

The Shepherds and the Angel of the Lord...

The Nativity scene...

Everyone thought it was all over, but we had a surprise for them!

Santa entered and explained how Christmas had become all about him,
but it was really about the baby that died for you and me!
Santa kneeled down at the manger and shared a wonderful prayer!

I got a shot of the youth at the end... they did a great job reading their parts!

Merry Christmas, and may you know the Reason for the Season!

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